AI Wonders: A Comedic Symphony of Bots, Brushes, and Bagels

Saeeda Yasmeen
4 min readJan 23, 2024

Hi, welcome to this blog. Today’s Blog is not about some algorithms or complex concepts. Its Just some amusing and intriguing facts about Artificial Intelligence (AI) that might bring a smile to your face:

  1. AI Gets the Munchies: There’s an AI algorithm known as “DeepArt” that can turn any photo into a painting in the style of famous artists. Yes, even your morning bagel could become a masterpiece!
  2. AI as a DJ: Did you know there’s an AI DJ named “Flow Machines” that can compose music in various styles? From classical to pop, this AI can get the party started with tunes it creates on the fly.
  3. Robo-Thespians: In 2017, an AI developed by Google’s DeepMind beat the world champion at the ancient Chinese game of Go. But the funny part? The AI made a move so unconventional that even the human champion was left scratching his head.
  4. AI Can Be a Comedian: There are AI programs like “Botnik” that have been trained on the scripts of TV shows like “Friends” and “The X-Files” to generate hilarious and slightly surreal new episodes. Who knew AI had a knack for sitcom humor?
  5. When AI Writes Poetry: OpenAI’s GPT-3, a powerful language model, has been known to generate poetry. Some of it is so oddly profound that it’s almost like reading the musings of an eccentric poet who spent too much time in a digital coffee shop.
  6. AI That Can Recognize a Sheep from a Cow… in Minecraft: There’s an AI called…



Saeeda Yasmeen

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